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Jun 28, 2016

This is the closest beer has gotten to that expensive piece of equipment. It was scary!

This is the closest beer has gotten to that expensive piece of equipment. It was scary!

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Chuck and Stephen La Salle (@TheSKLaSalle)to talk (and drink) some of Ottawa's June craft beer releases.

Show Notes:

  • Stephen La Salle is the Executive Chef for Andaz, an Ottawa Byward Market boutique...

Jun 20, 2016

You should really check out the nursery rhyme, "There was a Crooked Man".

You should really check out the nursery rhyme, "There was a Crooked Man".

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Nick and Vicki from Crooked Mile Brewing Company (@crookedmilebeer) and learn what made them start on the journey of opening a brewery.

Show Notes:

Jun 13, 2016

Drink one of these and then you'll want MORE! More passion, more flavour, more personality in your beer.

Drink one of these and then you'll want MORE! More passion, more flavour, more personality in your beer.

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Brian (@bryehndotnet) and Chuck (@varxint) to talk about the beers that got them into craft beer - the craft beer gateway beers.

Show Notes:

Jun 5, 2016

I knew my collage skills would benefit me in adult life.

I knew my collage skills would benefit me in adult life.

Katy (@klwatts) is joined by Amanda (@abcdeinott) and April (@adawn) to talk about (and drink) some of May's Ottawa Beer releases.

Show Notes:

  • What is a radler?
  • Laura at Bicycle Craft Brewery is a great brewer - if you get a chance, try her Freedom Machine!